Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New Links!

I'm back! If anyone's still reading...

I had trouble with the website for a few weeks, but everything seems to be okay now - I'm still new at this!

A few new links I want to point out. First, the books I'm reading (none of which I'm finished yet - it takes a long time to get through some of this stuff!):

1) High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton by Ann Coulter. So far, a pretty scathing dissection of the goings-on in the White House during the Monica Lewinsky mess. It illustrates pretty clearly how morality has gone out the window in this country, why "sex doesn't matter," and why committing perjury against oneself not only is no big deal, but will advance your presidency and increase your popularity afterwards...which, to me, is indescribable.

2) Musclehead Revolution by Kevin McCullough. A fairly standard "why liberalism sucks" publication with more emphasis on God and religion. So far, nothing overly original, but pretty good.

3) In Defense of Internment by Michelle Malkin. Pretty fascinating stuff, if you're a history buff - otherwise, it may be a bit dry. The book attempts to make a case for the internment of ethnic Japanese during WWII and applies it to the potential necessity for the same ethnic profiling today to fight the War on Terror. If you can read this objectively (meaning, don't cry "Racism!" because the author tackles an unpopular and delicate topic), it's worth it...especially since the point of view is far different from the one presented in your 11th grade history class.

4) The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright. Honestly I haven't gotten far enough in this one to make a comment. I'll post about it later.

5) The Enemy Within by Michael Savage. Again, another in the line of "why liberalism sucks." So far, I'd rate this one ahead of McCullough's, and Savage has not come off as hard as he can. Good read.

Here are the other two new site links:

1) American Congress for Truth. From the website, American Congress for Truth is "a non profit organization dedicated to educating millions of uninformed Americans about the threat of radical Islam to world peace and national security."

Find out why Brigitte Gabriel is one of the most fearless women in the world today.

2) Irshad Manji. I've linked her under "Blogs" but it's much more just a website. Here you can learn about "Project Ijtihad," which, according to Manji, is "Islam's lost tradition of independent thinking."

Manji helps reinforce the idea that there are Muslims craving reform within their own religion. So few of them, however, speak out...or, if they do, they don't receive much attention. Manji has popularized the Muslim reform movement - check it out.

Hopefully the website will keep growing with the more research that I do. I encourage you to pass on any suggestions for additional links - thanks!

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