Monday, January 22, 2007

On This Day...

...the 34th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Tragic.

Odd statistics here from Life Site News, including "...43 percent of women obtaining repeat abortions, both those with children and those without, said they wanted to have (more) children..."

Here's the full report on "Repeat Abortion in the United States."

Sound like "safe, legal, and rare?"

If this is rare...

Why do women have abortions? Here are the results of one poll - not always in cases of extreme physical danger or rape, as many abortion advocates would like you to believe.

Despite this evidence, NARAL Pro-Choice America gives the nation as a whole a D- when it comes to "women's reproductive rights"...

What more could they possibly want??? Their website says that the organization is "fighting to protect the pro-choice values of freedom and privacy." They also say they are advocates of "common ground" and resent President Bush's inability to capitulate to their platform but instead "cave to political pressure from the right wing." Just so we're clear, "common ground" is code language for "pro-abortion" ("pro-choice" also means "pro-abortion") and "cave to political pressure from the right wing" really means that Bush chooses judicial nominees based on the entire spectrum of political issues, not just abortion.

(By the way, if these NARAL-type groups want to call me "anti-choice," fine. I AM ANTI-CHOICE. But I should be able to call you "pro-abortion."...that's when people get all up in arms and go back to Clinton's "safe, legal and rare" crap. "Pro-choice" is nothing but "pro-abortion" sort of semantic spin can hide that.)

Hopefully we won't have to celebrate a 35th year anniversary next year...but I don't see that happening...

Leaving you with a provocative piece from the National Center and more from LaShawn Barber.

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