Thursday, December 28, 2006

Who to Vote for in 2008? Part I

I hope to post a series of potential presidential resumes in the hopes of raising awareness of the candidates and their beliefs. Hopefully someone will emerge and inspire me, but, so far, nobody has. Up first...

Barack Obama

Read Ben Shapiro's dissection of Obama's The Audacity of Hope to discover what Obama really stands for, and what he admires. I'll highlight the key aspects of Shapiro's piece:

"Obama is a fervent believer in global warming and wants to dramatically raise fuel efficiency standards as well as taxes on oil companies. He wants to raise minimum wage and expand the Earned Income Tax Credit. Though he says he's for free trade, he voted against CAFTA. He wants to spend billions more dollars on early education, though Head Start has been a debacle. He wants to heavily regulate health care and, in doing so, essentially nationalize it. He wants to raise taxes across the board.

"He cites as his economic guru Warren Buffett and quotes him as stating, '[Billionaires] have this idea that it's 'their money' and they deserve to keep every penny of it. What they don't factor in is all the public investment that lets us live the way we do.' (191) This is Marxist trash. 'Capital is therefore not a personal, it is a social power,' Marx wrote in 'The Communist Manifesto.' Viewing private property as social property is a mandate to tyranny. Yet that's precisely how Obama views private property: 'I simply believe that those of us who have benefited most from this new economy can best afford to shoulder the obligation of ensuring every American child has a chance for that same success.' (193)"

Here is where he stands on abortion - and he calls himself a man of faith? Supporting Roe v. Wade, approving of embryonic stem cell research, and voting in favor of $100 million essentially to be allocated to promote underage promiscuity does NOT strike me as being overly religious...

He's okay with the idea of flag burning.

He voted against the Bush tax cuts which have resulted in the DOW setting multiple record highs this year, along with the lowest unemployment rate in 5 years, back in October. He's also against personal retirement accounts to reform a disastrous Social Security program.

He voted against the appointment of Justice Sam Alito, supposedly on the basis of his record of siding with "the powerful over the powerless." Read up on Sam Alito at The Moderate Voice and let me know if it sounds like someone you can get behind - sounds good to me.

He voted against re-authorization of the Patriot Act - you know, because he doesn't want to infringe upon our individual rights...and I guess implementation of the Patriot Act hasn't been successful since 9/11, right?

He loves illegal aliens.

He favors universal health care, Hillary's pet project. That sounds rosy, right?...well, here's the truth from John Stossel.

After reviewing all this material, I'm not so sure Obama's a moderate - sounds like a loony lefty to me. More profiles to come - as always, additional information is always welcome.


djm said...

just don't vote for bush or a clinton! no more!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris, Tony B hear, your cousin from NY. Obama strikes me as an excellent replacement for John Kerry or Ted Kennedy. Maybe the fine citizens of Mass. can talk him into moving. When the Clinton machine has its way him he will probably not be making any overseas flights (remember Ron Brown).