Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Separation of Church and State...

...matters when you're a Mormon (registration required - the New York Times), who's Republican, who's running for President.

The article asks if Mitt Romney's religion will be an "obstacle" and wonders if he will be able to "overcome" it while running for the White House.

"Christians...dismiss his religion as a cult" according to MSNBC. The article also references a Washington Post/ABC News poll which says that 35% of the respondents would be "less likely" to vote for a candidate who is Mormon...

...but we have no idea who the respondents are. The poll isn't cited.

USA Today seems to think Mormonism is "strange" and a "handicap" to the White House.

...and atheists are furious with him!

But what happens when religion intersects with politics on the Democratic side?

Don't worry - it's just "two rivals mark(ing) the civil rights struggle." They're just "honor(ing) activists." They're "commemorat(ing) 'Bloody Sunday.'" They're "converg(ing) on a civil rights shrine."

Where's the ACLU on this one? Why aren't they furious that both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama hosted political rallies in churches? Isn't this an obvious violation of church and state??? Where's the perpetual outrage we are so accustomed to seeing?

The bigger question: Why can one candidate (in this case, two) be influenced by his religion, while another cannot?

At least one headline captured the true meaning of why Clinton and Obama were in Selma in the first place...

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